Presentation Information

[15a-K301-9]Polarization-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy and mapping of 2D moiré superlattices

〇(D)Yuto Urano1,2, Yui Tamogami3, Takashi Taniguchi2, Kenji Watanabe2, Wenjin Zhang3, Ryo Tamura2, Yasumitsu Miyata3, Daichi Kozawa2, Ryo Kitaura1,2 (1.Hokkaido Univ., 2.NIMS, 3.Tokyo Metropolitain Univ.)


2D-semiconductor,Valleytronics,Quantum manipulation technology

In recent years, valleytronics, the manipulation of valleys appearing in the band structure of materials, has been actively investigated. One of the stages is transition metal dichalcogenide, in particular, it is known that valley superposition states can be created by polarized laser in this system. However, the lifetime of the superpositions is extremely short, and we think better to use of moíre superlattices to extend the superposition lifetime. As a first step, we tried to detect the valley superposition state in moiré superlattices.


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