Presentation Information

[15a-K306-2]Non-Invasive Blood Component Analysis by Mid-Infrared Photoacoustic Spectroscopy —Spectral comparison of different measurement sites—

〇(M1)Yuito Takeda1, Saiko Kino1, Yuji Matsuura1 (1.Tohoku Univ.)


photoacoustic spectroscopy,mid-infrared light

Photoacoustic spectroscopy using mid-infrared light can detect various biomolecules. The penetration depth of mid-infrared light into a living body is estimated to be about 20-30 µm. In skin measurements, it is possible to measure blood components in the interstitial fluid under the stratum corneum. In this report, we investigated the suitable sites for the analysis of blood constituents by comparing spectra obtained from several sites with different stratum corneum thicknesses.


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