Presentation Information

[15a-K307-4]Charge-Discharge Properties of Lithium Ion Battery Anodes Made from Boron and Phosphorus Co-doped Silicon Nanoparticles : Doping concentration dependence

〇Yuto Korekata1, Hiroshi Sugimoto1, Minoru Fujii1 (1.Kobe Univ.)


lithium ion battery,silicon nanoparticle,electrode material

Silicon has attracted attention as a negative-electrode material for lithium-ion batteries due to its high theoretical capacity and low operating potential, but structural breakdown due to volume expansion is an issue. We have improved charge-discharge characteristics by co-doping high concentrations of boron and phosphorus into silicon nanoparticles of less than 10 nm in diameter and stabilizing their surfaces. In this report, we describe the relationship between the doping concentration of boron and phosphorus in silicon nanoparticles and charge-discharge characteristics, and the results of structural evaluation of the electrode surface, with the aim of achieving both high capacity and high stability.


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