Presentation Information
[15a-K404-5]Observation of In-Gap States in SiO2 Gate Insulators by Constant Final State Photoelectron Yield Spectroscopy
〇Renjiro Shibuya1, Manato Tateno2, Hirohiko Fukagawa3, Hisao Ishii1,2,3,4 (1.F.ENG Chiba Univ., 2.GSSE Chiba Univ., 3.CFS Chiba Univ., 4.MCRA Chiba Univ.)
photoelectron spectroscopy,gate insulator,silicon dioxide
We measured the in-gap states of SiO2 gate insulator using photoelectron spectroscopy. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy is commonly used for the evaluation of electronic states, but especially for SiO2 with thicknesses used in practical devices, it is highly susceptible to sample charging effects, making measurements difficult. We attempted to observe the actual electronic states of a 100nm thick SiO2 film using low-stray and low-energy light as the light source. Additionally, we irradiated the sample with an electron beam and measured the electronic states before and after charging, also attempting to observe electron trapping.
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