Presentation Information
[15a-K406-10]Development of Low-Power Single-Flux-Quantum Standard Cells Using 250 A/cm2 Process toward Quantum Bit Control
〇Masamitsu Tanaka1, Yoshihiro Kitagawa2,3, Tetsuro Satoh2,3, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto2,3 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.NEC, 3.AIST)
superconductor,single flux quantum,cryo-electronics
Superconductor-based integrated circuits are promising for scaling up quantum computer systems by providing high-speed digital signal processing near qubits. We have studied significantly low-power single-flux-quantum (SFQ) circuits employing the lowered critical current density fabrication process for reducing supply currents and also the low-voltage driving technique. In this talk, we report the development of SFQ standard cells for cell-based circuit design.
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