Presentation Information

[15a-K406-6]Encoding high-order binominal code using superconducting cavity

〇Takumi Mikawa1, Takaaki Takenaka1, Kosuke Kakuyanagi1, Shiro Saito1 (1.NTT-BRL)


superconducting quantum circuit,Bosonic code,binomial code

Bosonic code, which encodes quantum information into Fock states in a cavity, provide hardware-efficient quantum error correction (QEC). In particular, the first-order binomial code can correct only one-photon-loss error, but the second-order binomial code can correct two-photon-loss error. However, the QEC using second-order binomial code has not been realized because it requires three-parity measurement. Recently, three-parity measurement has been proposed. In this work, we aim at encoding the second-order binomial code to realize the QEC against one- and two-photon-loss errors.


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