Presentation Information
[15a-K503-4]Dependence of crystallinity and ferroelectricity on Sc content in thin (Al1-xScx)N films
〇(D)Soshun Doko1,2, Naoko Matsui1, Toshikazu Irisawa1, Koji Tsunekawa1, Nana Sun2, Yoshiko Nakamura2, Kazuki Okamoto2, Hiroshi Funakubo2 (1.Canon ANELVA, 2.Science Tokyo)
AlScN,FeRAM,Ferroelectric thin films
(Al1-xScx)N films, which exhibit good ferroelectricity, are attracting attention as a material for ferroelectric random access memory (FeRAM). In order to apply (Al1-xScx)N films to FeRAM, it is important to reduce the total device thickness. We have previously succeeded in thinning the Pt bottom electrode and (Al0.9Sc0.1)N film to a total thickness of 35 nm. In this study, we evaluated the dependence of crystallinity and ferroelectricity on Sc content in thin (Al1-xScx)N films.
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