Presentation Information

[15a-K503-9]Polarization-inverted Sc0.4Al0.6N two-layer SMR using transfer technique

〇Nanami Suzuki1,2, Wataru Shimoyama1,2, Takahiko Yanagitani1,2 (1.Waseda Univ., 2.ZAIKEN)


ScAlN,SMR,polarization inversion

Polarization-inverted multilayer structures operate in high-overtone modes and can be driven at higher frequencies with the same film thickness as monolayer structures.
The bandwidth and insertion loss of the frequency filter are favored by a higher electromechanical coupling coefficient kt2, and Sc0.4Al0.6N films with a high Sc concentration and high kt2 are particularly attractive.
We report a novel polarization-inverted two-layer SMR-type resonator in which the Sc0.4Al0.6N film is transferred onto the Bragg reflector layer using an Au-Au junction and etching, and the Sc0.4Al0.6N film is grown back on top of it.


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