Presentation Information

[15a-K504-3]Electrical characterization of semiconductor thin films by magnetic field modulated terahertz ellipsometry

〇Akihiro Okamoto1, Masaya Nagai1, Masaaki Ashida1 (1.Grad. Sch. of Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.)



Terahertz time-domain ellipsometry is a non-destructive and non-contact method for evaluating the electrical properties of bulk and thin-film semiconductor materials. Furthermore, by combining magneto-optical techniques, it is possible to independently evaluate carrier type, effective mass, and density. In this study, we applied both the magnetic field modulation technique and conductive sheet models to this method. The conductive sheet models interpret the dielectric response of the thin film as surface currents on the substrate. Through these two approaches, we successfully demonstrated the precise determination of the conduction parameters of semiconductor thin films.


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