Presentation Information

[15a-K504-5]Evaluation of THz-PMT performances for high-resolution carrier density mapping of semiconductor wafers

〇Hinako Yoshinaga1, Yuma Takida2, Kawai Naoya1, Onoda Hirohisa1, Minamide Hiroaki2, Katsuyama Kota1, Ohmura Takayuki1 (1.HPK, 2.Riken)


Terahertz wave,imaging,semiconductor

Previously, we have succeeded in detecting minute changes in the resistivity of silicon wafers by utilizing the nonlinear response characteristics of terahertz-wave photomultiplier tubes (THz-PMTs). In this presentation, we report the results of THz-wave imaging experiments using THz-PMTs toward the applications of a high-resolution carrier density mapping of semiconductor wafers.


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