Presentation Information
[15a-K506-10]Double LSP-Resonance Enhanced SHG Behavior of Al Nanorod Dimer Structure
〇Natsuho Konno1, Kamiya Masayoshi1, Hosomi Kei1, Sugita Atsushi1 (1.Shizuoka Univ.)
non-linear optics
This paper presents the second harmonic generation (SHG) behavior of aluminum nanorod (AlNR) dimer structure under double localized surface plasmon (LSP) resonance condition. The Al nanoroddimer structures investigated in this study consist of two square-shaped AlNRs of different sizes inclose proximity at the nanoscale. Each constituent AlNRs has inversion symmetry, and it is forbiddenin the second-order nonlinear optical transition. After dimerization, it becomes allowed in it.The SHG signal intensity of the dimer structure was much higher than that of the reference AlNR inthe single particle state. Compared to the absorption and SHG spectra, the increase in the SHG signaldue to the dimerization is attributed to the LSP resonance at both the pump and SHG wavelengths.The dependence of the SHG conversion on the polarization of the pump light and on the particlearrangement is also discussed.
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