Presentation Information
[15a-K508-6]Flat-top beam shaping with long depth of focus using a spatial light modulator
〇Kasumi Kawasaki1, Yoshio Hayasaki1, Satoshi Hasegawa1 (1.Center for Optical Research and Education, Utsunomiya Univ.)
Beam shaping,Phase Compensation,Increased depth of focus
In drilling, trenching, and cutting using lasers, for the purpose of improving the accuracy of processing, However, it is difficult to maintain a flat beam intensity because the intensity profile of a normal flat top beam is short and its intensity profile changes according to the beam propagation distance. Therefore, it is not suitable for uniform deep hole machining and precise focusing is required. In this study, we propose a method to generate a flat top beam with a long focal depth, and use simulations and experiments to generate a flat top beam. The effectiveness of the proposed method was confirmed.
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