Presentation Information

[15a-K509-5]Molecular dynamics study of a-Al2O3/GaN interface using machine learning force field

〇Koki Sato1, Mutsunori Uenuma2, Ryousuke Jinnouchi1, Ryoji Asahi1 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.AIST)


machine learning,gallium nitride,first-principles calculation

To address challenges in GaN-based semiconductor devices, the a-Al2O3/GaOx/GaN interface was analyzed using molecular dynamics simulations. Large-scale simulations with machine learning potentials demonstrated that oxygen passivation effectively reduces defect states, and the insertion of a GaOx layer significantly decreases defect density. This study suggests the potential for improving device performance through optimization of oxygen partial pressure and growth/annealing conditions of the insulating film.


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