Presentation Information
[15a-P02-18]Chiroptical Device Properties of Pb(II)/Bi(III)/Te(IV)-based One-dimensional Helical Perovskite Crystalline Films
〇(M1)Hikari Suzuki1, Daiki Nakamura1, Ayumi Ishii1 (1.Waseda Univ.)
One-dimensional helical structure,Circularly polarized light detection,Halide perovskite
In this study, we aim to develop novel systems for circularly polarized light detection by utilizing chiroptical properties derived from a crystal structure with broken spatial inversion symmetry and the polarized spin state. We have fabricated a thin-film device with a one-dimensional (1D) helical structure composed of organic chiral molecules and lead halide, achieving direct detection of circularly polarized light in the UV region. Here, visible light sensitive 1D helical thin films were newly prepared by replacing Pb(II) with Bi(III) or Te(IV), and the devices demonstrated circularly polarized light detection in the visible region.
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