Presentation Information
[15a-P02-19]Investigation of dark current characteristics in perovskite solar cell systems
〇(M1)Ryo Ishida1, Takashi Fujihara2, Masayuki Yahiro3, Chihaya Adachi1,3 (1.OPERA, Kyushu Univ., 2.GCE Institute, 3.ISIT)
perovskite solar cell
Organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells have attracted attention because of their high photoelectric conversion efficiency and low cost due to the solution process. While research on the photoelectric conversion of these devices under light irradiation has been active, the details of their electrical characteristics under dark conditions have not been clarified. In this study, we confirmed that the perovskite type device has an open-circuit voltage of VOC = 0.35 V and a short-circuit current density of JSC = 45 nA cm-2 under dark conditions at room temperature. In addition, this output showed a clear temperature dependence.
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