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[15a-P05-25]Nitrate-Nitrogen Gas Sensing Using Ionic Liquid-Gated Graphene Field-Effect Transistors Coated with Parylene.
〇(M2)Ryo Imaizumi1, Naoki Shiraishi2, Jian Lu3, Mutsumi Kimura1 (1.Shinshu Univ., 2.NARO, 3.AIST)
ionic liquid gated graphene field-effect transistor,Parylene C
In the ionic liquid gate graphene field-effect transistor (ILGFET), which combines graphene field-effect transistors (GFET) with ionic liquids, it is possible to drive the device at low voltages, and low-concentration gas adsorption on graphene can be tracked with high sensitivity by monitoring changes in the peak voltage value. In addition, Parylene C can be deposited on the surface of a liquid using chemical vapor deposition, and it is expected to have shielding properties. In this study, we report on a sensor in which Parylene C is deposited on an ILGFET.
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