Presentation Information

[15a-P06-11]Si wafer recycling from crystalline silicon solar cells

〇Takuto Ikeda1,2, Yuya Sato1,2, Hiroyuki Wada2, Takuya Matsui1, Hitoshi Sai1 (1.AIST, 2.Science Tokyo)


silicon solar cells,recycling,chemical etching

With the global spread of photovoltaic (PV) technology, the sustainability and recycling of PV modules are becoming increasingly important. In the manufacturing of crystalline silicon (c-Si) PV modules, the growth of Si crystals and wafer production are particularly energy-intensive processes. In the recycling process, the CO2 emissions during the manufacturing of recycled modules can be significantly reduced if the solar cells can be recycled directly into Si wafers without breaking them, and then processed back into cells. Recently, the development of modules without encapsulants [1] and those considering easy decomposition has been progressing. Such modules are expected to enable the non-destructive extraction of cells, and direct regeneration of Si wafers is also anticipated. From this perspective, this study reports an attempt to recycle Si wafers from SHJ solar cells as a basic study of the Si recycling process in solar cells.


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