Presentation Information
[15p-K206-11]Contradictions and harmonization of Green and Growth policies in EU/US
〇Supika Mashiro1,2,3,4 (1.IRDS FI, 2.SEMI PFAS Initiative, 3.SEMI Japan ICRC, 4.TEL)
green manufacturing
Policies for Green should be complemental to growth policies but often presented as something that deaccelerates growth of a country/region or even prevents growth.
In this presentation, the author overviews EU's green policies for its continued growth, which is represented by "EU Green Deal", and how EU has been trying to set policies and legislations to support the concept. It also try a comparison of EU and US in that aspect.
Finally, the author intends to talk about policies necessary for Japan to strengthen semiconductor manufacturing supply/value chain in Japan.
In this presentation, the author overviews EU's green policies for its continued growth, which is represented by "EU Green Deal", and how EU has been trying to set policies and legislations to support the concept. It also try a comparison of EU and US in that aspect.
Finally, the author intends to talk about policies necessary for Japan to strengthen semiconductor manufacturing supply/value chain in Japan.
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