Presentation Information

[15p-K302-5]Controlled arrangement of colloidal PbS quantum dots with butylamine ligands for realization of intermediate band solar cells

〇(M1)Nozomu Yoshikuni1, Seiya Ikeda1, Kohki Mukai1 (1.Graduate School of Engineering Science, Yokohama National Univ.)


quantum dot,solar cell

To realize quantum dot (QD) superlattice solar cells, short-chain ligands are required to form energy bands down to lower energy levels within the superlattice. Until now, only superlattice formations of QDs with relatively long-chain ligands, such as oleic acid, have been reported. Aiming to form PbS QD superlattices using short-chain ligands, we investigated the synthesis conditions for PbS QDs to achieve uniform alignment with equal spacing, as well as the conditions for ligand exchange to butylamine, a short-chain ligand.


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