Presentation Information
[15p-K305-7]Environmental adaptability of optical driven microdroplet robot
〇Masayuki Naya1,2, Shinya Hakuta1, Jintaro Shiina1, Hideyuki Mitomo3, Kuniharu Ijiro3, Toshiharu Saiki1 (1.Keio Univ., 2.Naya-lab., 3.Hokkaido Univ.)
droplet robot,Environmental adaptability,natural intelligence
By using a microlens array and a randomly dispersed substrate of gold nanoparticles, the environmental adaptability of droplet robots caused by local heating with a laser beam was confirmed. Droplets that had grown and integrated multiple droplets showed behavior that maintained body integration while changing their body shape like an amoeba in response to changes in the correlation between the laser spot array and gold nanoparticle distribution. This suggests the action of fluid network between multiple heating points formed by droplet growth leads to intelligent behavior.
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