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[15p-K309-2]Narrowband correlated photon pair generation using high-Q Si micro-ring resonators

〇(DC)Shouichirou Yasui1,2, Tomohiro Inaba1, Hidetaka Nishi3,4, Reina Kaji2, Satoru Adachi2, Xuejun Xu1, Haruki Sanada1 (1.NTT Basic Research Labs., 2.Grad. Sch. Eng., Hokkaido Univ., 3.NTT Device Technology Labs., 4.NTT Nanophotonics Center)


microring resonator,Optical quantum memory,Correlated photon pair source

To realize a quantum repeater, optical quantum memories (QM) and entangled photon pair sources are being actively researched. We are aiming to develop a entangled photon pair source that can be applied to a QM using a rare-earth ion-doped crystal with a narrow photon acceptance bandwidth (<400 MHz). In this study, we optimized the Si micro-ring resonator structure to narrow the photon pair spectrum bandwidth. As a result, we achieved a resonator with a Q value of 800,000, and the bandwidth of the generated photon pairs was 265 MHz, which is applicable to QMs.


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