Presentation Information
[15p-K503-4]BiFeO3 Freestanding Film Under Light Irradiation
〇(M1C)Ren Mitsuya1, Weikun Zhou1, Atsushi Taguchi2, Hiromichi Ohta2, Tsukasa Katayama2,3 (1.IST-Hokkaido Univ., 2.RIES-Hokkaido Univ., 3.JST-PRESTO)
semiconductor,light actuator
BiFeO3, which has a perovskite structure, has been widely studied as a multiferroic material that combines ferroelectric and magnetic orders at room temperature. Moreover, flexible freestanding membranes can be obtained by peeling BiFeO3 thin films off from substrates. Recently, we reported that freestanding ferroelectric BaTiO3 membranes can be deformed by ultraviolet light irradiation; however, the displacement was limited to several tens of micrometers, or about 5% of the sheet length. In this study, we successfully achieved a large displacement of 1.8 mm, equivalent to 60% of the sheet length, by irradiating a BiFeO3 freestanding membrane with a green visible light laser, using a sheet with a total length of 3 mm.
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