Presentation Information
[15p-K504-12]Lamb-dip spectroscopy of sub-THz rotational transitions for frequency stabilization
〇Kohei Eguchi1, Takashi Arikawa2,3, Koichiro Tanaka1 (1.Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ., 2.University of Hyogo, 3.JST PRESTO)
Terahertz,Precision spectroscopy
Toward the realization of terahertz light sources with low phase noise and narrow linewidth, frequency stabilization using rotational transitions of gas molecules has attracted much attention. On the other hand, no use has been made of Lamb-dip, and there are only a few reports on absorption saturation of rotational transitions. In this study, saturation spectroscopy of rotational transitions of gas molecules was performed using an ultra-narrow linewidth terahertz light source based on optical-comb. The pressure dependence and excitation intensity dependence were compared with the theory, and the validity of the model was verified.
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