Presentation Information
[15p-K504-6]THz-wave phase detection by backward nonlinear optical quantum interference
〇Yuto Yoneda1,2, Yuma Takida2, Joselito E. Muldera2, Alexander De Los Reyes2, Deepika Yadav2, Hiroaki Minamide1,2 (1.Chiba Univ., 2.RIKEN)
THz generation and detection based on nonlinear optics,THz-wave phase detection,Optical quantum interference
In recent years, terahertz wave technology has been expected to be used in next-generation advanced applications such as sensing, communication, and spintronics control. Our proposed Backward Terahertz-wave Parametric Oscillation (BW-TPO) is a unique method in nonlinear optical quantum conversion where terahertz waves and light waves interact oppositely, enabling highly efficient and temporally and spatially limited terahertz-wave to light-wave quantum conversion. This study reports on the development of terahertz wave phase detection technology to clarify the transmission of phase information in the interaction field for the application of BW-TPO to quantum research. The experimental results confirmed the transmission of phase information of the excitation light.
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