Presentation Information

[15p-K505-6]Improvement of Beam Quality of GaN-based PCSEL by Introducing Refractive Index Compensation Structure

〇Tomoki Masuyama1,2, Tomoaki Koizumi1,2, Masahiro Jutori2, Kei Emoto1,2, Atsushi Kitamura2, Menaka De Zoysa2, Kenji Ogawa2, Takuya Inoue2, Kenji Ishizaki2, Masahiro Yoshida2, Susumu Noda2 (1.Stanley Electric Co., Ltd, 2.Kyoto Univ.)


Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Laser

We have been developing blue PCSELs using GaN-based semiconductors. Recently, we have been investigating the possibility of expanding the area (≥500 µmΦ) of these devices while spreading the light in the plane by reducing the distance between the centers of gravity of the holes to ~λ/4. In such a device, unintended oscillation may be induced due to the refractive index difference between the inside and outside of the resonator caused by the carrier plasma effect, especially at high injection. Therefore, we have tried to improve the beam quality by compensating the refractive index to suppress the edge effect.


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