Presentation Information
[15p-K506-1][The 46th Young Scientist Award Speech] Quadrupole-Based Metasurfaces for Angle- and Period-Insensitive Optical Response
〇Rongyang Xu1, Junichi Takahara1 (1.Osaka Univ.)
Dielectric metasurface,Quadrupole,Huygens' metasurface
Dielectric metasurfaces composed of periodic nanoparticles enable unparalleled light control at the nanoscale. The dielectric nanoparticles support Mie-type multipole resonant modes, such as dipole modes and quadrupole modes. We find that the metasurface response based on the quadrupole modes is insensitive to the variation of the nanoparticle period and the incident angle of light, compared with the dipole modes. Based on this property, an angle-insensitive Huygens’ metasurface has been proposed.
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