Session Details
[15p-K506-1~19]3.11 Nanoscale optical science and near-field optics
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 1:15 PM - 6:30 PM JST
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 4:15 AM - 9:30 AM UTC
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 4:15 AM - 9:30 AM UTC
K506 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Kentaro Iwami(TUAT), Kohei Imura(Waseda Univ.), Satoshi Ishii(NIMS)
[15p-K506-1][The 46th Young Scientist Award Speech] Quadrupole-Based Metasurfaces for Angle- and Period-Insensitive Optical Response
〇Rongyang Xu1, Junichi Takahara1 (1.Osaka Univ.)
[15p-K506-2]Magnetic-optical properties of magnetic-optical cavities incorporating nanoparticles
〇(M2)Jiaxiang Liu1, Yukiko Yasukawa1, Takashi Hasegawa2, Haruki Yamane3 (1.Chiba Inst. Tech., 2.Akita Univ., 3.Akita Ind. Tech. Center)
[15p-K506-3]230 nm-band sharp cutoff short-pass filter with AlN/TiO2 high contrast grating
〇Yua Okano1, Yuusuke Takashima1,2, Masanobu Haraguchi1,2, Yoshiki Naoi1,2 (1.Tokushima Univ., 2.pLED, Tokushima Univ.)
[15p-K506-4]Controlling the polarization state of radiation field from a magneto-optical BIC metasurface using external magnetic field
〇Siyuan Gao1, Guangtai Lu2, Satoshi Iwamoto2, Yasutomo Ota1 (1.Keio Univ., 2.The Univ. of Tokyo)
[15p-K506-5]Demonstration of High-Speed Surface-Normal Modulator with Organic Electro-Optic Thin Film
〇Seidai Karakida1, Koto Ariu1, Yoshiaki Nakano1, Takuo Tanemura1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo)
[15p-K506-6]Space-Selective Manipulation of Optica Properties of Perylene Single Crystal by Electron Beam Irradiation
〇Ken Morita1, Hiromi Okamoto1,2, Kohei Imura1 (1.Waseda Univ., 2.Inst. for Molecular Science)
[15p-K506-7]Broadband Metamaterial Absorber with Coaxial Double-Cylinder Structure and its Application to Mixed Gas Molecules Detection
〇Kentaro Ito1,2, Takuo Tanaka1,2 (1.Gakushunin Univ, 2.RIKEN)
[15p-K506-8]Numerical Study on the Transmission Enhancement of the Inverted Cone-shaped Plasmonic Bull's-eye Device
〇(D)Tatsunori Oiwa1, Shin'ichi Warisawa1, Reo Kometani1 (1.GSFS, Univ. of Tokyo)
[15p-K506-9]Exploratory research into nanophotonics using generative AI (I) Knowledge bases
〇Masanobu Iwanaga1, Keisuke Watanabe1, Ya-Lun Ho1, Tetsuyuki Ochiai1 (1.NIMS)
[15p-K506-10]Optical and thermal control of plasmonic meta-films based on oxide semiconductors towards low emissivity (Low-E) window glasses
〇Hiroaki Matsui1, Hidehiko Yoda2 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.Utsunomiya Univ.)
[15p-K506-11]Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy for Two-Dimensional Electron gas in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures
〇(DC)Ilario Bisignano1,2, Masataka Imura2, Noriyuki Okada2, Satoshi Ishii1,2 (1.Tsukuba Univ., 2.NIMS)
[15p-K506-12]One-way transparency by a single metamolecule with nonreciprocal Fano resonance
〇(M1)Koki Ishida1, Hiroyuki Kurosawa1, Tetsuya Ueda1 (1.Kyoto Institute of Technology)
[15p-K506-13]Plasmonic and Photothermal Response in Au/Pt Nanogap: Effect of Pt Length
〇(D)Tong Zhou1, Maria Vanessa Balois-Oguchi1, Yutaka Majima2, Kotaro Kajikawa1 (1.School of Engineering, Science Tokyo, 2.Materials and Structures Lab., Inst. of Integrated Research, Science Tokyo)
[15p-K506-14]Optical Properties of Mie-Resonant Silicon Nanoparticles on Mirror
〇(B)Takeru Kambayashi1, Hiroshi Sugimoto1, Minoru Fujii1 (1.Kobe Univ.)
[15p-K506-15]Fabrication of nanobowl structure arrays by direct laser writing
〇(B)Kota Yamakawa1, Tomoya Oshikiri1, Iori Morita2, Daisuke Tojima1, Tomoko Hasegawa1, Yuina Kokai3, Hiromasa Niinomi1, Masaru Nakagawa1,3 (1.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 2.RIEC, Tohoku Univ., 3.Photonic Meta Sensing Co-creation Research Center, Tohoku Univ.)
[15p-K506-16]Local infrared dynamics in CVD-grown WS2 monolayers
〇Jun Nishida1,2, Yu Wang1, Xu Yang3, Yoshiki Sakuma3, Takashi Kumagai1,2 (1.IMS, 2.SOKENDAI, 3.NIMS)
[15p-K506-17]Numerical Electromagnetic Field Analysis for the Fabrication of Broadband Metamaterial Absorber by Screen Printing of Conducting Polymer Ink
〇Tatsunosuke Matsui1, Hinata Fujikawa1, Sho Yoshikawa1 (1.Mie Univ.)
[15p-K506-18]Generation of molecule-vibrational polaritons for active phonon-polariton engineering
〇Ryoko Sakuma1, Motoki Asano1, Koji Sakai1, Hiroshi Yamaguchi1, Hajime Okamoto1 (1.NTT BRL)
[15p-K506-19]Visualization of Thermal Absorption Process Achieved by Metamaterial
〇Shu Watanabe1, Wakana Kubo1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. Technol. (TUAT))