Presentation Information
[15p-K506-6]Space-Selective Manipulation of Optica Properties of Perylene Single Crystal by Electron Beam Irradiation
〇Ken Morita1, Hiromi Okamoto1,2, Kohei Imura1 (1.Waseda Univ., 2.Inst. for Molecular Science)
perylene,electron beam irradiation,polymerizatoion
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are prosing materials for organic optical devices due to their optical properties. In this study, space-selective polymerization of perylene single crystal was charried out by electron beam irradiation and the optical properties of the product was elucidated. Mass spectra and extinction spectra show the fabrication of the polymer with extended π-conjugated length. Currently, we are characterizing the molecular structure of the product by Raman spectra and theoretical calculations.
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