Presentation Information

[15p-K508-9]View field expansion of inclined inspection area for remote visual testing on pressure vessels of nuclear reactors by wavefront coding using an annular phase plate

〇Takeshi Shimano1, Yuji Matsui1, Masahiro Miki1, Jyunichiro Naganuma2, Yoshiaki Nagashima2 (1.Hitachi R&D, 2.Hitachi-GE N.E.)


wavefront coding,VT inspection camera for nuclear reactors

Remote visual testing (VT) is one of the important inspection items on pressure vessels of nuclear reactors. We applied wavefront coding technology to the VT camera for wider view field at inclined inspection plane to the optical axis. We experimentally confirmed approximately three times wider view field using prototype in-water camera with an annular phase shifter.


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