Presentation Information
[15p-P01-4]Development of OPG ultrashort pulse mid-IR laser source with BBO crystal
〇Yutaka Akahane1, Yamakawa Koichi1 (1.KPSI QST)
optical parametric generation
For in-situ measurements of fast optical-transition properties of a saturable absorber in a wavelength region of its absorption end and its optimization, an ultrashort pulse OPG light source with around 2 µm wavelength regime pumped by picosecond 1 µm wavelength laser has been developed. Using uncoated BBO for nonlinear crystal, intense pump pulses can be injected and wide tunable range is available for OPG process. In experiments, OPG light pulses about 30 µJ of energy were measured as maximum, which have 1.6-2.8 µm tunable range in wavelength.
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