Presentation Information
[15p-P02-9]Development of a ramp-up power supply unit for MCP-PMT
〇Yutaka Hasegawa1, Hiroshi Morishita1, Takamitsu Okada2, Shojiro Ishibashi3 (1.HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS, 2.Mitsubishi D & S Tec, 3.JAMSTEC)
photomultiplier tube,microchannel plate,power supply
The MCP-PMT (Micro-Channel Plate Photomultiplier tube) consists of a cathode (photocathode, PC), an electron multiplier (Micro-Channel Plate, MCP), and an anode. The MCP is an electron multiplier with high gain and fast response. We developed a ramp up power supply unit (RAPU) that periodically amplifies the MCP multiplication factor at a constant rate. As a result of experiments, we were able to change the amplification factor of the MCP-PMT from 1x103 to 1x106 in a time span of 400 ns. The RAPU can obtain the electron amplification factor of a specified MCP-PMT at 50 kHz by using the PC gate.
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