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[15p-P05-32]Theoretical study of intrinsic hBN island nucleated during CVD initial growth on Cu(111)
〇(M2)Ryo Imamura1, Insung Seo1, Hiroyuki Kageshima1 (1.Shimane Univ.)
hexagonal boron nitride,CVD growth,the first-principles calculation
In this study, instead of islands, various widths of nanoribbon models were used to analyze the interaction effects between the Cu(111) surface and hBN islands. And the critical size, which represents the size at which the island begins to grow spontaneously, was predicted for islands of various shapes. As a result, it was found that as the chemical potential ratio µB/µN decreases, ZB triangular shapes become the most stable, whereas increasing the ratio makes ZN triangular shapes more stable, and the critical sizes vary accordingly.
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