Presentation Information

[15p-P05-51]Shock-induced structural phase transition in oxide materials probed by time-resolved X-ray diffraction

〇Hiroaki Kishimura1, Akihisa Aimi1 (1.NDA)


Shock compression,MoO3,Pressure-induced phase transition

In order to directly observe the pressure-induced structural phase transition process in molybdenum oxide α-MoO3 sheets prepared by thermal oxidation, the structural changes were observed by time-resolved X-ray diffraction using intense short-pulse X-rays from an X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) under a shock pressure of 61 GPa generated by laser irradiation. Upon shock loading at a pressure of 61 GPa, the entire sample melted at 9 ns after laser irradiation, and at 15 ns, diffraction peaks indicating crystals were observed again, which is reasonable to assume a high pressure phase MoO3-II.


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