Presentation Information

[15p-P05-53]Photo-switching operation of MoS2 field effect transistor by photoisomerization in solution

〇(M1)Kazuki Kurosawa1, Tsuyoshi Takaoka2, Tadahiro Komeda2 (1.Sci, Tohoku Univ., 2.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.)


MoS2-FET,micro-channel,photochromic molecules

Aiming to overcome the limitations of Si-based logic circuits by combining optoelectronic technology with FETs, switching of FET characteristics was investigated by utilizing photoisomerization of photochromic molecules. A trans-azobenzene solution was poured into a MoS2-FET with a microfluidic channel attached, and cis-isomerization was induced by UV light irradiation. A shift of the Id-Vg curve between the two states was observed. This method is promising for controlling the characteristics of photosensitive FETs. Experiments using other photochromic molecules will also be presented on the day.


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