Presentation Information
[15p-P07-19]Electric field effect on perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in [Cu/Ni]/PMN-PT(011)
〇Yosuke Shimizu1, Sachio Komori1, Keiichiro Imura1, Tomoyasu Taniyama1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)
multiferroics,perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
Artificial multiferroics consisting of a ferromagnet with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and a ferroelectric have attracted much attention in recent years because of their suitability for high-density and low-power spintronic devices. In this study, we have investigated the growth of [Cu/Ni] epitaxial multilayers on PMN-PT(011) substrates and the electric field effect on the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We find that the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy decreases with the application of an electric field, which we attribute to the relaxation of the interfacial tensile strain of Ni due to the piezo strain of the PMN-PT substrate.
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