Presentation Information
[15p-P07-35]Anomalous increase of Gilbert damping in La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 thin films induced by the emergence of antiferromagnetic phase
〇(M1)Ryotaro Arakawa1, Takuma Onogi1, Sachio Komori1, Tomoyasu Taniyama1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)
Gilbert damping constant,Ferromagnetic resonanace,Manganite
This study investigates the magnetization dynamics of La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 thin films, focusing on the temperature dependence of the Gilbert damping constant using ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). It is found that the value of Gilbert damping constant shows an anomalous increase below 100 K and becomes more pronounced with decreasing film thickness. This phenomenon is attributed to the dissipation of the magnetization precession caused by the emergence of the antiferromagnetic phase, contributing to a deeper understanding of novel physical phenomena in strongly correlated electron systems.
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