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[15p-P11-10]Analysis of ESR Spectrum Fine Structure of Long-Persistent Red Phosphor Ca2Si5N8 doped with Eu and Tm
〇Hayato Miyagawa1, Yusuke Yasuda1, Takeru Takahashi1, Yoshiaki Kamigaki2, Yoriko Suda3 (1.Kagawa Univ., 2.EBL, 3.Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
long-persistent phosphor,Ca2Si5N8,Electron Spin Resonance
We carried out ESR measurements on long-persistent red phosphor material, Ca2Si5N8 doped with Eu and Tm. The ESR spectra were analysed and found to be originated from both point defects in matrix and the nuclear moment of Eu. We performed fitting analysis for the fine structre and found that the behaviors of the nuclear signal and matrix defects shows different dependency aginst applied power and doping elements concentration.
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