Session Details
[15p-P11-1~14]13.8 Optical properties and light-emitting devices
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM JST
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM UTC
Sat. Mar 15, 2025 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM UTC
P11 (Gymnasium)
[15p-P11-1]Proposal of Measurement Method for Effective Internal Optical Power and Internal Quantum Efficiency of Optical Semiconductor Devices
〇Byongjin Ma1, Taehee Jung1, Sungsoon Choi1, Jemin Kim1, Kwanhun Lee1 (1.KETI)
[15p-P11-2]Optical Characteristics of Strained Quantum Well Structure Grown on InP/Si Substrates
〇(B)Mizuki Holt1 (1.Sophia Univ.)
[15p-P11-3]Crystal growth and optical properties of AgGa(SxSe1-x)2 semiconductor
〇Haruka Yoshida1, Shunji Ozaki1 (1.Gunma Univ.)
[15p-P11-4]Effect of substrate temperature gradient on UV emission intensity of ZnO films prepared using the mist CVD method
〇Kohei Funaki1, Yuhei Tsuzuku1, Akira Hujisawa1, Haruki Fukada1, Atsushi Yamaguchi1 (1.Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
[15p-P11-5]Temperature behavior of the up-conversion luminescence of LaF3: Er3+, Yb3+
〇Shinsei Jo1, Ryota Ikenaka1, Hiroaki Samata1 (1.Kobe Univ.)
[15p-P11-6]Crystal structure and upconversion luminescence of LaF3-LaOF:Yb3+/Tb3+
〇Toshihiro Nonaka1, Mutsuto Yamamoto1, Shin-Ichi Yamamoto2 (1.NIT Toyota College, 2.Ryukoku Univ.)
[15p-P11-7]Luminsence characteristics in Y4(SiS4)3:Ho3+, Ce3+ sulfide phophor
Masahide Hori1, 〇Tsuyoshi Okuno1 (1.Univ Electro-Commun.)
[15p-P11-8]Temperature dependence of photoluminescent and photoacoustic properties in SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy phosphor
[15p-P11-9]Investigation of the effect of crystal phases on the afterglow properties of Eu-doped strontium silicate oxide phosphors using VRBE diagrams
〇(M2)Homare Toyota1, Takuro Arima1, Kodai Tamaki1, Ariyuki Kato1 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)
[15p-P11-10]Analysis of ESR Spectrum Fine Structure of Long-Persistent Red Phosphor Ca2Si5N8 doped with Eu and Tm
〇Hayato Miyagawa1, Yusuke Yasuda1, Takeru Takahashi1, Yoshiaki Kamigaki2, Yoriko Suda3 (1.Kagawa Univ., 2.EBL, 3.Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
[15p-P11-11]Photophysical properties of Ca-doped YSGG:Cr4+
〇Takayuki Nakanishi1, Takashi Takeda1, Koji Morita1, Jian Xu2, Jumpei Ueda3 (1.NIMS, 2.Kyoto Univ., 3.JAIST)
[15p-P11-12]Investigation of energy transfer process using same crystal structure
〇Takayuki Nakanishi1 (1.NIMS)
[15p-P11-13]Luminescence properties of Ga-based liquid metals with metal additions
〇Meguru Nagai1, Shin-ichi Yamamoto1 (1.Ryukoku Univ.)
[15p-P11-14]Doping Effects of WO3 on Cr2O3-CaO-GeO2 NIR Glass Ceramic Phosphors
〇Yasushi Nanai1, Kana Nagamine1, Nobuaki Kitazawa1 (1.Natinal Defense Acad.)