Presentation Information
[15p-P12-12]Experimental Evidence of In-atom Doping in ZnO Nanoparticles by Thermal Diffusion Process
〇(D)Abdul Md Halim1, Toshiyuki Yoshida1, Yasuhisa Fujita1 (1.Shimane University)
ZnO NPs,Indium doped ZnO NPs,Thermal Diffusion
Particle layers created by coating techniques can reduce the cost of device manufacture and expand the range of base substrate possibilities available in place of conventional semiconductor thin films. This makes it feasible to choose novel materials as substrates that were previously unattainable in traditional semiconductor technology. We have been working in our lab on spray-forming ZnO nanoparticle layers and putting them to TFT channels [1,2]. The resultant particle layer has an issue of extraordinarily high sheet resistance (GΩ/sq or higher), even though it shows semiconducting properties. We have tried to thermally diffuse Ga, an n-type dopant for ZnO, to address this issue, and we have had some success in lowering resistance [3,4]. The impact of Indium (In) thermal diffusion has been investigated this time, offering important findings for future In and Ga simultaneous doping of ZnO nanoparticles.
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