Presentation Information

[15p-P12-34]Possibility of Device Current Control by Voltage Sweep Number on PEDOT:PSS/ZnO Nanorods/GZO Heterostructure Devices

〇Tomoaki Terasako1, Masakazu Yagi2, Rajasekaran Palani3, Tetsuya Yamamoto3 (1.Grad. School Sci. & Eng., Ehime Univ., 2.Natl. Inst. Technol., Kagawa Coll., 3.Res. Inst., Kochi Univ. Technol.)


Zinc Oxide,Resistive Switching,Hysteresis

In this presentation, posibility of device current control by voltage sweep number on PEDOT:PSS/ZnO nanorods (NRs)/GZO heterostructure devices will be discussed in terms of growth condition of ZnO NRs layer.


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