Presentation Information

[15p-Y1311-5]Development of Ga2O3 Devices for Applications to Extreme Environment Electronics

〇Masataka Higashiwaki1,2, Takafumi Kamimura2, Takumi Ohtsuki2, Akinori Takeyama3, Takahiro Makino3, Takeshi Ohshima3 (1.Osaka Metropolitan Univ., 2.NICT, 3.QST)


Gallium oxide (Ga2O3)

Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) is expected to be utilized for various electronics applications in extreme environments typified by under high temperatures and radiation due to its extremely large bandgap energy of 4.5 eV and physical properties resulting from strong ionic bonds. In this talk, we will report on high-frequency device characteristics and durability test results of Ga2O3 MOSFETs, which have been developed mainly for wireless communication and signal processing applications under high temperature and strong radiation.


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