Presentation Information

[16a-K209-5]Design of Superconducting Stochastic Adder Circuit without Using Multiplexer

〇Yuya Mandai1, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa1,2, Yuki Yamanashi1,2 (1.Yokohama Nat'l Univ., 2.Yokohama Nat'l Univ. IAS)


SFQ,stochastic computing

Stochastic computing is a computational methodology characterized by its low hardware cost. However, it requires long computation time. We think single-flux quantum (SFQ)-based stochastic circuits can solve the problem of the long computation time. The stochastic addition is performed by a multiplexer with random number sequence as the control signal. With finite number sequence length, control signal causes calculation errors. A stochastic adder circuit that does not require the control signal input has been proposed in the CMOS circuit. In this study, we designed the SFQ stochastic adder by modifying the adder proposed in the CMOS circuit. This SFQ stochastic adder achieves both high accuracy and low area.


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