Presentation Information
[16a-K209-6]Design of ReLU Output Characteristic Circuit for Superconducting Neural Networks
〇Yuto Ueno1, Yuki Hironaka2, Nobuyuki Yoshikawa1,2, Yuki Yamanashi1,2 (1.Yokohama National Univ., 2.Yokohama National Univ. IAS)
Single Flux Quantumn Circuit,Activate Fanction
The design of a high-speed, low-power artificial neural network (ANN) dedicated circuit based on single-flux quantum technology has been investigated. To enhance the efficiency and versatility of ANN-specific circuits, the ReLU activation function was employed. The design incorporates a Delay Flip-Flop with escape functionality and a Delay Flip-Flop with a reset function. Simulation results confirmed the successful attainment of ideal outputs.
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