Presentation Information

[16a-K303-7]Molecular Mechanisms underlying Cellular Responses to Plasma Irradiation in Fission Yeast

〇Yoko Otsubo1, Shinji Yoshimura2, Yuhei Goto3, Keiichiro Sakai4, Tetsushi Iida5, Katsuki Johzuka6, Akira Yamashita1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.NIFS, 3.Kyoto Univ., 4.CUNY, 5.RIKEN, 6.ABC)


atmospheric-pressure plasma,yeast,stress reponses

We analyzed the molecular mechanisms underlying the cellular responses to plasma irradiation in fission yeast. Through gene expression analysis and the isolation of a plasma-resistant mutant, we found that pathways regulating cell division and nutrient starvation are involved in the response of fission yeast cells to plasma irradiation.


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