Session Details

[16a-K303-1~10]8.4 Plasma life sciences

Sun. Mar 16, 2025 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM JST
Sun. Mar 16, 2025 12:00 AM - 2:45 AM UTC
K303 (Lecture Hall Bldg.)
Hirofumi Kurita(Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.), Yoshihito Yagyu(Kyushu Univ.)

[16a-K303-1]Novel Plasma Source Covered with a Porous Membrane for Transportation of Active Species to the Liquid Phase

〇Yoshihito Yagyu1, Hinako Nakamura1, Hiroharu Kawasaki2, Nobuya Hayashi1 (1.Kyushu Univ., 2.NIT. Sasebo Coll.)

[16a-K303-2]Alteration of Immune Function of Macrophages by Cytokines Irradiated with Plasma in Porous Membrane Liquid

〇Hinako Nakamura1, Yoshihito Yagyu1, Nobuya Hayashi1,2, Reona Aijima3, Yoshio Yamashita3 (1.Kyushu Univ., 2.Kyushu Univ. i-SPES, 3.Saga Univ.)

[16a-K303-3]Incubation time dependence of the selective inactivation effect of plasma-activated lactated Ringer's solution on skin and lung cancer cells

〇Ryogo Nonaka1, Kei Sasaki2, Zhenfei Dong2, Kenji Motohashi3 (1.Grad. Sch. Sci. Eng., Toyo Univ., 2.Fac. Sci. Eng., Toyo Univ., 3.Fac. Life Sci., Toyo Univ.)

[16a-K303-4]Time course analysis of NO radicals in plasma-activated Ringer's lactate solution

〇(D)Taishi Yamakawa1, Kenichi Inoue2, Kenji Ishikawa2, Masaru Hori2, Hiromasa Tanaka2 (1.Nagoya Univ. Eng., 2.Nagoya Univ.)

[16a-K303-5]Proliferation-promoting effect of kynurenine generated in oxygen-radical L-tryptophan solution on fibroblast cells

〇(M1)Koki Fukui1, Keito Tajima1, Kenji Ishikawa2, Hiromasa Tanaka2, Masaru Hori2, Masafumi Ito1 (1.Meijo Univ., 2.Nagoya Univ.)

[16a-K303-6]Impact of electrical stimulation and wall thickness variation on the differentiation potential of human mesenchymal stem cells cultured on SiC-coated CNWs

〇Koki Ono1, Ayako Tanaka2, Kenji Ishikawa2, Wakana Takeuchi3, Kenichi Uehara4, Shigeo Yasuhara4, Masaru Hori2, Hiromasa Tanaka2 (1.Nagoya Univ. Eng., 2.Nagoya Univ., 3.Aichi Inst. Tech., 4.Japann Advanced Chemicals Co. Ltd.)

[16a-K303-7]Molecular Mechanisms underlying Cellular Responses to Plasma Irradiation in Fission Yeast

〇Yoko Otsubo1, Shinji Yoshimura2, Yuhei Goto3, Keiichiro Sakai4, Tetsushi Iida5, Katsuki Johzuka6, Akira Yamashita1 (1.The Univ. of Tokyo, 2.NIFS, 3.Kyoto Univ., 4.CUNY, 5.RIKEN, 6.ABC)

[16a-K303-8]Improvement of degradation efficiency of aqueous carboxymethyl cellulose solution by treating flow path using atmospheric-pressure air glows discharge

〇(M1)Shoto Nakashima1, Keitaro Ono1, Ryosuke Okuda1, Masahiro Maebayashi1, Chihiro Ikai1, Motoyuki Shimizu1, Masashi Kato1, Masafumi Ito1 (1.Meijo Univ.)

[16a-K303-9]Synergistic effects of cold atmospheric pressure plasma irradiation and pulsed electric fields on cytotoxicity of HeLa cells

Nao Kitajima1, Kosuke Makihara1, 〇Hirofumi Kurita1 (1.Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.)

[16a-K303-10]Investigation of transfection site selectivity by plasma-driven frequency in plasma molecular and gene introduction.

〇Masafumi Jinno1, Taiki Hirohata1, Hideki Motomura1, Yoshihisa Ikeda1 (1.Ehime Univ.)