Presentation Information

[16a-K305-6]Loss Reduction in Alumina Waveguide Crossings for Diamond-Color-Centers Quantum Computing

〇Takuto Yamaguchi1, Naoki Fushimi1, Masaharu Hida1, Ryota Kitagawa1, Toshiyuki Miyazawa1, Kenichi Kawaguchi1, Ryoichi Ishihara2, Shintaro Sato1 (1.Fujitsu Ltd., 2.TU Delft)


alumina,waveguide crossings,visible light

Quantum computers using diamond color centers enable scalable qubit coupling through optical interconnects. However, high-degree-of-freedom connection between distant qubits necessitates waveguide crossings. Demonstration of waveguide crossings in the visible light region has conventionally been limited to SiN. We designed and fabricated waveguide crossings on a low-loss alumina waveguide platform, reducing the loss at red light to 0.12 dB. This achievement is expected to enable highly efficient optical interconnections between distant qubits.


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