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[16a-K401-3]Optical gain measurements in InGaN red-light-emitting LED epitaxial layers
〇Itsuki Shimbo1, Atsushi A. Yamaguchi1, Daisuke Iida2, Kazuhiro Ohkawa2 (1.Kanazawa Inst. of Tech., 2.KAUST)
InGaN quantum well,Variable stripe length method,Optical gain
A red semiconductor laser based on InGaN quantum well (QW) as an active layer has not been realized yet. In recent years, however, an InGaN-based red-light-emitting LED with strain conpensation techniques shows relatively higher external quantum efficiency that may leads to the probability for the obsavation of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) from a red QW. In this study, we have conducted the optical gain measurements by using the variable stripe length method to InGaN red-light-emitting LED epitaxial layers for the attemption of the ASE observation from a red QW.
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