Presentation Information

[16a-P03-4]Contributions of particle-size distributions to circular depolarization in circularly polarized light scattering method

〇(M1)Asato Esumi1, Nozomi Nishizawa1 (1.Kitasato Univ.)


Circularly polarized light,Optical biopsy,Light scattering

When circularly polarized light enters biological tissue, it is mainly scattered by cell nuclei, and the polarization state is gradually depolarized. Since the strength of depolarization strongly depends on the ratio of particle size to wavelength, information on the cell nucleus can be obtained by selecting an appropriate wavelength and measuring the polarization state of the scattered light. To date, depolarization have been calculated assuming that the scattering particles have a uniform diameter, but in order to get closer to reality, we have taken into account the particle size distribution of cell nuclei and investigated the effect on depolarization.


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