Presentation Information
[16a-P05-3]Tunable Polarization Emitter in Terahertz Region Using Spintronic Devices
Katsuyuki Ishi-i1, 〇HIDEAKI KITAHARA1, Takashi Furuya1, Mary Clare Escano1, Masahiko Tani1, Dmitry Bulgarevich2, Dongfeng He2, Makoto Watanabe2 (1.Univ. of Fukui, 2.NIMS)
The intensity and polarization characteristics of terahertz (THz) wave radiation from a spintronic element depend on the strength and direction of the applied magnetic field. Therefore, by varying the magnetic field orientation at the radiation point on the element using a composite magnetic field created by an electromagnet and a permanent magnet, it is possible to realize a radiation element that can continuously tune the polarization of the emitted THz wave. In this study, we report on the fabrication of a polarization-tunable radiation element and its polarization tuning characteristics.
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