Presentation Information
[16a-P06-1]Q factor variation of heterostructure nanocavities without mirror symmetry
〇(B)Yuta Kanemaru1, Takashi Asano2, Ayumi Ishihara3, Wataru Takahama3, Susumu Noda2, Yasushi Takahashi3 (1.Osaka Pref. Univ., 2.Kyoto Univ., 3.Osaka Met. Univ.)
silicon nanocavity,machine learning,high-Q nanocavity
We worked on enhancing the Q factor of photonic crystal nanocavities and achieved an experimental Q factor of 11 million using a heterostructure. To suppress the Q factor variations, which are crucial for practical applications, we designed cavities resistant to air hole fluctuations. Compared to conventional symmetric designs, we confirmed that asymmetric cavities reduced Q factor variations due to position fluctuations by 20%. In this study, we investigated the Q factor variations of multi-heterostructure nanocavities without mirror symmetry through simulations, and the results are reported here.
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